Dear Couple,
We are glad that you are considering this program. Caring for your marriage begins with making time for each other. This program invites you to reflect on the virtues of Prudence, Justice, Courage and Temperance, and their importance in every couple's life.
Use the videos and the flyers to guide your conversation about important habits that affect your daily life, such as making prudent decisions, being fair with each other, having the courage to be silent when it is best not to say anything, or to speak up when necessary, and the strength to manage our desires.
As you watch the videos and read the articles you will be encouraged to examine your habits - your ways of doing things. Often couples find that their habits can be the source of conflicts. Make sure to read the flyer: "Helpful Steps In Sharing Your Feelings With Each Other."
Please remember that this program is not a substitute for marriage counseling, if that is what you need.
Feel free to preview the written materials found on Tab:Downloadable Materials.
The program is available in two formats:
1. Format 1: The DVD Format: DVD plus flyers with articles and conversation starters in hard copy.
2. Format 2: The Online Format - Seven online videos, and downlodable flyers with articles and conversation starters.
Please note that all the flyers that you will need are available free of charge by clicking the tab on the top left of the screen: Downloadable Materials.
The Couple Packet will be received by mail.
After you place your order below, you will receive via e-mail an electronic receipt form PayPal. On that receipt you will find your Password Code.
To access the program click on the Online Program tab. Then, use the password on your receipt to access the videos. The flyers are available at Downloadable Materials.
The Small Group Packet will be shipped via USPS mail.
Price: $25.00 ORDER NOW